Episode 2: The Power of Resilience and Perseverance with Ben Andrews

In this episode of the Student of The Game podcast, host Brad Noll speaks with Ben Andrews. Ben’s story is one of overcoming hurdles and finding success in unexpected places. He talks about the impact of his childhood, and his background as a track athlete, and shares how learning to ask for help and seeking mentorship can lead to incredible opportunities. 

Ben and Brad discuss the power of resilience and perseverance and explore how we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Guest Bio: Ben Andrews was born into a modest hard-working middle-class family and one of the top milers in the United States. Many times Ben has faced the reality that his dreams - both athletically and in business - were just beyond his reach. Each time someone would supernaturally intervene and prove to Ben that he was giving up and giving in too early. Join Ben on a captivating and inspiring run through life in his book, The Long Run as he is confronted with reasons to quit but a mountain of evidence to stay in the race, of life. 

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